Sunday, May 31, 2020

Five italian spots on violence against women


This an awareness campaign aimed to the target of young people (15-20 years), 
It is divided into 5 spots that were made in 2013 by the third year students of the Civica Scuola di Cinema in Milan, who worked on the production of the spots from the ideation, passing through writing, filming, editing, sound reinforcement and promotion to their tutor teachers: the director Carlo Arturo Sigon and the advertisers Carlotta Tessarolo and Arianna Pregagnoli.

Gender stereotypes on EIGE

Gender stereotypes are not always obvious. They start to follow us from the our earliest days and continues to influence us when choosing subjects at school and career.
EIGE is focusing on gender equality in the classroom

Gender equality and children: what do they think?

Working together means to build a better world. Gnder equality has nothing to do with genetics. The great problem is how we grow up our children.
This a social experiment made in Italy

Children do not accept gender differences, ut they will if we tell them that gender differences are right.

And this is the same experiment made in Norway

Gender bias starts from the cradle

Gender bias starts from the cradle, let's end with it.

1) As a girl, I'am expected to be your little princess. As a boy, I'am expected to be your hero. 
2) I'm supposed to play with dolls and look pretty. I'm supposed to play sports and act tough. 
3) Crying makes people think I'm hormonal. Crying makes people think I'm weak. 
4) If I spend more time at work than at home, I lack devotion. If I spend more time at home than at work, I lack devotion. 
5) People will question my sexuality if I choose to join the army. People will question my sexuality if I choose to be a nurse. 
6) I'm expected to define myself as a boy or as a girl. 

If gender bias begins with us, it can end with us.

Gender abuse: do not look apart

If you notice that someone is committing an abuse, don't look apart, don't pretend that you just does  anything, help people in need

UN Women solidarity movement: HEFORSHE

HeForShe is the UN Women’s solidarity movement working for gender equality
This movement  invites men and boys to build a world where women and men are equal partners implementing a shared vision of gender equality. We are it will surely benefit all humanity.

heforshe website 

HEFORSHE Youtube channel

Emma Watson speech: UN Women Goodwill Ambassador

A speech we have to listen to or read 
Speech by UN Women Goodwill Ambassador 
Emma Watson 
at a special event for the HeForShe campaign, United Nations Headquarters, New York, 20 September 2014: "Today we are launching a campaign called “HeForShe.”
I am reaching out to you because I need your help. We want to end gender inequality, and to do that we need everyone to be involved.
This is the first campaign of its kind at the UN: we want to try and galvanize as many men and boys as possible to be advocates for gender equality. 
And we don’t just want to talk about it, but make sure it is tangible."

In This website you can find the entire written speech: UNWOMEN

Do not confuse Love and abuse: a nice animated video on abusing relationship: Dayoneny

In the Dayoneny website there is good explanation of: What is dating abuse?

"Dating abuse is a type of domestic violence characterized by a pattern of controlling and sometimes violent behavior in casual or serious dating relationships. It affects people regardless of race, class, gender, or sexual orientation. 
Even a one-time incident of dating violence 
is NOT ok. 
In abusive relationships, there is a pattern of controlling and/or violent behavior: the abuse happens again and again, and it gets worse over time." 

It is worth to watch it:

Friday, May 29, 2020

A nice short video on the transgender item

"Transgender is not a dirty word, it is not a fashion, it is not a factory defect.

Transgender are boys or girls who implement stereotypically behaviors and games considered of the opposite gender. For example, girls playing with superheroes or children who like to dress in clothing considered female as skirts or love to play with dolls and put on makeup."

Some monologues on violence against women

Here you have some monologues by some of our actresses on the violence against women; these shows were broadcast on Italian televisions:

"You wanted it"

"My name is Marina and I believe in love", a monologue on the different steps from the beginning love to the final violence...

Luciana Littizzetto in a monologue on violence against women; she is a comic actress, but this time she made us cry:

Italian song on different kind of violence against women 2

Women usually face different kinds of violence...
"at school words become violence
because everyone can only judge
and my feelings are broken bones
and I start to feel good
and that gentleman is always out of school
he wants to play with me"

"You said you wanted to be just a friend of mine
and I believed you, I believed you
I believed you 
and you promised me that you would get me a nice ice cream
and I believed you, I believed you, I believed you
and so remove that mouth that your beard hurts
and leave me the legs because when I grow up I'll have to dance
I have to dance with them"

Italian song on different kind of violence against women 1

Here you have an italian song

"Io non ho paura" (I'm not afraid)

Chadia is the voices of all the women who cry in silence:
"Please, my name is Donna
I live with defect and shame
I go around in heels and a short skirt
if I'm too thin or too round
they called me dry and whale
shouted in the face and whispered in the back
they called me nun, bitch, fool
without makeup without nail polish and cream"

Some videos on gender violence songs in Italian

We publish here some videos on gender violence in some italian songs:

Alex Britti: "Perché" (why?)

Alex Britti was in a public park when he watched the terrible scene of a man punching a woman. Alex promptly intervened in defense of the woman and he was able to quell the violence and bring first aid to the victim. 
The man was the woman's husband.

A girl is raped since she was a young girl

Sunday, May 24, 2020

General Information on Gender Equality in Europe: 5

Closing the Gender gap

General Information on Gender Equality in Europe: 4

The International Monetary Fund website shows that "Gender equality is not just the right thing to do—it also makes good economic sense. Yet across the world, women are still a long way off from achieving gender parity with men, according to a new report from the World Economic Forum."

Saturday, May 23, 2020

General Information on Gender Equality in Europe: 3


Pay equity analysis can show if your organization pays women less than men for equal work.

"Since we have started tracking the gender pay gap, the difference between the earnings of women and men has shrunk, but only by an incremental amount each year."
There is still a great gap between men and women on earnings

General Information on Gender Equality in Europe: 2

Another step on general information about the item gender equality; here you other website links on this item:

In this magazine website you can find many articles on gender equality: "We’re making progress, but it is too slow. That’s the key finding of the sixth edition of Deloitte Global’s Women in the Boardroom report, which found that women hold just 16.9% of board seats globally."


"there is some suggestions that anonymizing details about the applicant — removing their name, for example — leads to the selection of more candidates from underrepresented groups."
Is it a good solution to anonymize application forms? Maybe...

General Information on Gender Equality in Europe: 1

Here you a collection of websites very useful to work on Gender Equality:

On the website of the United Nations there is one of the 17 objectives: 
Goal 5: 
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls: a detailed definition of this objective: 
"There has been progress over the last decades: More girls are going to school, fewer girls are forced into early marriage, more women are serving in parliament and positions of leadership, and laws are being reformed to advance gender equality", but there is still a long way  to go on...

The EIGE website is the European Institute for Gender Equality, this is an essential site for those who want to know something about the topic.

As it is well known Wikipedia is a very important resource: "The Global Gender Gap Report was first published in 2006 by the World Economic Forum. The 2020 report (published in 2019) covers 153 countries. The Global Gender Gap Index is an index designed to measure gender equality.

The index is designed to "measure gender-based gaps in access to resources and opportunities in countries rather than the actual levels of the available resources and opportunities in those countries."

On Wikipedia "2014 was described as a watershed year for women's rights, by newspapers such as The Guardian. It was described as a year in which women's voices acquired greater legitimacy and authority. Time magazine said 2014 "may have been the best year for women since the dawn of time"."

Products GEPE 15: Final evaluation

  Evaluation 9.Evaluation tool (France) :